Research Article
Assess the Factors Contributing to Students' Public Speaking Anxiety Specifically During Classroom Presentations
Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2024
16 October 2024
21 November 2024
9 December 2024
Abstract: Anxiety, specifically in situations involving speaking, is characterized as a type of fear that manifests through observable symptoms. Public Speaking Anxiety is a prevalent issue among students during classroom presentations, affecting their confidence and performance. Despite its significance, there remains a lack of comprehensive understanding regarding the specific factors that contribute to this form of anxiety in educational settings. From these observations, it's apparent that not all individuals possess the same speaking and presentation skills. While some may excel as confident speakers, others might experience speaking anxiety, especially when addressing large audiences or during classroom presentations. Hence, the researcher intends to assess the factors contributing to students' public speaking anxiety specifically during classroom presentations. The objectives of this study are to assess to the major contributing factors for student speaking anxiety in classroom presentation. This study was conducted in Bonga University, particularly in college of educational and behavioral sciences in 4th year psychology students. This study was conducted both quantitative and qualitative approach of the study. The total population of this study is all 4th year students from psychology educational and behavioral students. Bonga University from these, females is 15 and males students are 20, total 35 students in are the population of this study. The researcher was collected data from the respondents by using self-administration questionnaires. The first variable shows that from 35 total participant 20 (42.86 %) were male and the rest of 15 (57.14 %) were female. there are numerous effect on children’s academic achievement from those effects the study was concerned and discussed on the impact of public speaking anxiety to student’s academic achievement. The primary objective of the study was to explore the contributing factors for students’ public speaking anxiety in classroom presentation. The consequence of speaking anxiety are emotional, educational, and social, shyness and retile affect the social skills necessary for children to make friends, shy students tend to confine their aspirations to vocations that require little oral communication. Practicing complete speech several times would certainly give the speakers an edge. They can practice it with a small number of people they are at ease with.
Abstract: Anxiety, specifically in situations involving speaking, is characterized as a type of fear that manifests through observable symptoms. Public Speaking Anxiety is a prevalent issue among students during classroom presentations, affecting their confidence and performance. Despite its significance, there remains a lack of comprehensive understanding r...
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Research Article
The Effect of Students’ Interest and Parents/Guardians’ Support on the Choice of Technical and Vocational Career Studies in Transition Periods
Obasanjo Sanya Adegbite*
Nyitor Alexander Shenge
Sunday Adewale Atunwa
Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2024
10 October 2024
31 October 2024
16 December 2024
Abstract: Background: Career decision is important because it determines the future career work among transitional students. Enrolment for technical and vocational career studies in Nigeria Universities are still very discouraging despite efforts made by stakeholders. Factors responsible for choice of technical and Vocational studies most especially among transitional students have not been explored in literature. This study therefore tries to fill this gap by investigating the effects of students’ interest and parents/guardians’ support on the choice of technical and vocational career studies in transitional periods. Methods: Correlation design through quantitative method was used to achieve the objectives. Students’ interest, parents/guardians support and choice of course in technical and vocational careers were measured using standardized scales. Four hundred and fifty two transitional students were recruited through purposive sampling from twenty-seven Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) examination centers across Oyo state, ages ranging from 18 to 27 years old. Results: Significant relationship was observed between students’ interest and choice of technical and vocational career studies (r = .45**). (P = .000). Significant positive relationship between parents/guardians support and choice of technical and vocational career studies (r = .43**) was observed. Students’ interest and parents/guardians support jointly and independently accounted for significant variation in choice of technical and vocational career courses [R=0.80; R2=.40; F (3, 449)=7.52]. Students’ interest accounted for (β = 0.78**) variation, while, Guardian support accounted for (β = -0.73**) variation. Conclusion: Students’ interest sensitization on technical and vocational studies. Seminars, workshops and scholarship on vocational and technical studies. Government funding of vocational and technical education is also recommended.
Abstract: Background: Career decision is important because it determines the future career work among transitional students. Enrolment for technical and vocational career studies in Nigeria Universities are still very discouraging despite efforts made by stakeholders. Factors responsible for choice of technical and Vocational studies most especially among tr...
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